Saturday, February 11, 2012

Self-esteem Question

Hi everybody!

I'm planning my lessons for the healthy-self unit and I'm working on the day that I'll be teaching about self-esteem.  I'm having a hard time coming up with effective ways to teach the students because I feel like this is such an important topic and I want to hit a home run with!

Any ideas or activities that you have done related to this???



  1. Hey Katy! Here is an awesome idea that really helps boost self-esteem. You have each student tape a piece of paper on their back and you have your students go around and write one nice thing on each paper about the person. I did this in high school and I still have them because of the way they made me feel! It is an awesome activity to boost self-esteem.

    HOWEVER, you have to be really careful of how you explain it, and you have to make sure that EVERYONE writes a positive thing- if anyone writes something mean or negative, it could potentially be a really bad situation. So, you just have to be firm in explaining the rules and explaining what is acceptable. You have to also explain that writing "you are so hot" doesn't help boost self-esteem either, that it needs to be deeper than that like "I have always admired how you do your hair", or "You always give great insights".

    I wanted to do this with my class when I taught Self-esteem, but there were a few students in my classes that I knew couldn't handle writing nice things on everyone's paper, so, I didn't do it. But, if your classroom is a safe environment, then you should be good!!!

    Sorry this is such a long post, but I think it is a fun idea!

  2. I did this! Worked out great. Such a fun activity for everyone. Also look at my video that I posted of my first week. I did the 20 dollar bill activity to explain how everyone has self-worth. Here's the link to where I found that idea:

  3. Thanks so much for these ideas girls! I really appreciate it! I did both of these and they went really well with my classes! My students were respectful with the pats on back activity, I just had one class that couldn't handle it. A student wrote mean things on another students back and the whole class lost the privilege of doing the activity and had to write a paper on respect for the rest of class. It was interesting though, there was another lesson I was able to teach about respecting others and how we can build up or tear each other down...they get to choose. Interesting how there is always a lesson to be learned, isn't it?
