Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Question about YouTube

Hi Everyone!

My School District blocks YouTube from being accessed, and so I was wondering if any of you are facing the same problem and ways that you dealt with it and were able to show your videos.




  1. What I've been doing is been using zamzar.com. You go there put the URL in and convert the file (I convert it to an mp4 that way it plays in itunes). It will then email you once it's downloaded and you can download it to you computer. Hope that helps!

  2. Awesome! Thank you Becca! You are the best!

  3. http://midvaletechnology.wikispaces.com/Tooble

    I use Tooble. I downloaded it to my computer and use it kinda like Becca's site, only it's pretty instant. No waiting for an email. The link about is how to download and use it.

  4. Thanks Jenn! That is a really awesome program! Becca, you should check this one out, it is super fast!

  5. Awesome! Definitely going to check this one out.

  6. Okay, so you are definitely going to get a laugh out of this! We had a talent show on Friday, and one of the boys in my class wanted to show us a song that he had written and performed, but it was on youtube, so I kindly told him that I couldn't get to it. My class immediately showed me how to "work the system"- you have to type in https://youtube- somehow by typing https and not just http it unblocks the site- so Becca, this will probably work at your school too if you are in a pinch!
